In-Person visits available at our Bellevue, WA location - Telehealth visits available for all of Washington State

Prosper Behavioral Health is Located in Bellevue, WA and offers telehealth appointments for all of Washington State

New Patients

Prosper Behavioral Health provides psychiatric evaluations and medication management services with licensed, board-certified psychiatric providers. We accept most major insurance plans including Regence BCBS, Premera BCBC, Lifewise of Washington, Aetna, PacificSource, United Healthcare, and Molina.

Answers to common questions may be found in our FAQ section. If you need additional assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us by phone at 425-300-6480, or by email at

If you’re ready to request an appointment, please click the New Patient Forms button below and complete the New Patient Appointment Request form. A member of our staff will contact you within 24 business hours to schedule your appointment.

Phone, Fax, & Email
Bellevue Office
Mailing Address